Pictures of my tranny rebuild adventure Pictures of my tire gluing adventure Pictures of my Engine Sealing adventure Dirty AE filter, it's the best Here's a section about my 2003 season with CEN trucks. Here's some of my 2002 season ride. Here's some our rides in action in 2002 Here's a couple videos...... for now Here's pics of the Checkerboard track in New Jersey Here's some pics from the 2nd leg of the Pro series 2003 in Virgina Pics of the Md. Gas Championships 2002 in Pasadena, Maryland Pics of the Trinity Gas Challenge race 2003 in Pasadena, Maryland |
The Motley Crew Team A few of us race radio controlled stadium trucks and we needed a team name, well after a little thought (damn little), I looked at the different flavor of guys we had and came up with the name almost instantly..... the Motley Crew. No.... it has nothing to do with the band Mötley Crue, but we are about... as motley!! We are 8 strong right now, even though we weren't recruiting anyone. It just kinda happened. We may be motley but we put on one hellova show, and we're starting to make a name for ourselves in our racing region.
I'll have better pictures of us up shortly. Well here's me My name is Martin, AKA Jamedup
Here's Dave, AKA Stewy
Here's Bill, AKA Bill
Here's Jay, AKA Jaybird
Here's Wayne, AKA FastSkully
Here's most of the nitro Crew Left to right: Wayne, Jay, Marty, Bill
Here's part of the electric Crew DJ and Angel See, I told ya we were motley!!!! ;-) Sorry, but this website stuff is very new to me. I'll be adding pictures, video,..... and a bunch of stuff as I learn how too. |