Here's some old pictures of my shed/shop, this is where the magic takes place.

 It's only 14x16' but it has had many cool projects thru it. It's pretty cluttered in those pictures because I had a few projects going on at the same time that had to get finished. I'd love to say it looks better now but.... it doesn't. (no time, I have no time!!)

I'll snap some recent pictures as soon as I can make a place to stand inside.

OK, some recent pics. My GTs in October 2004

Ny NTs in October 2204

Most of my stuff in October 2004 (left)

(the right)

Cen nitro boats... the white one on the top left is killer fast!! Not stock at all. LOL

The boxes are full of tires, that's how I carry them to the track. Different box for different trucks.

Here's about 1/2 of my CEN stuff. Wait... make that about a 1/3rd.

Here's what's left of my practice track in my backyard. :(