Okay now I'm exhausted, another full day in the shop but I'm very close to finished.
First thing that I did this morning was to look for more horse power from the CEN .16 mill that I'm going to use for practice. I'll show the port I added but the rest I'm keeping to myself, sorry. In the left picture is the guide line for the new port and in the center picture is the port that I cut into the mill. Actually I went a little wider then I wanted to but my Dremel's chuck wasn't holding my bit tight and it was flapping around a tad to much.
Believe me, it took a lot more work to get the port correct, but I lost the picture of the finished product.
Click pic to enlarge
When I found my safety glasses and angle grinder, I proceeded to do the dreaded lowering of the engine.
Click pic to enlarge
And this is why!!!! To my knowledge, CEN doesn't make a non-pull start flywheel and I don't feel comfortable with milling one down and adding grooves with the primitive tools that I have.
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Looks like I'm going to have to cut the flywheel down anyway. It's not as low as it looks but low enough for a careless marshal to finger it and ruin my qualifier.
Here's the last look at the truck on the operating table.
Click pic to enlarge
Buy the way, I heat cycled 2 tanks of fuel through the engine and it sounded much better than the stock engine.
I ran outta steam so I headed through the 3 inches of fresh snow to warm up inside and refuel my own body.
The truck is close to being finished. I just need to hook up the throttle return spring, reroute the wires and replace the fuel lines. I do have a couple more little mods to do here and there but basically, it's done. Anyway, here's the truck with tires on it, I'll just throw these last few pics up here cause I'm mentally exhausted.
Click pic to enlarge
Ok, Well.... I guess I wasn't finished with it afterall.
This next page of pics are of both, this modified ST1 (2wd) and the stock ST2 (4wd) before they hit the race track tomorrow.
Enjoy!!! LOL