Here's a CEN Racing steering mod I did to the steering hubs.

Here's a picture before the hub mods.

Top hub has the mod, bottom hub has not. The right hub shows where to grind. Sorry, the text did not come out in the picture.

Check out the angle compared to the stock hub.

The new turning radius compared to a stock MT2

The new turning radius compared to a stock ST2.

Oops, don't know how this got in here.This was a fast nose brace job. As you can see, a little to fast. :-(


The only thing I have to warn you about is..... note the full suspension travel before removing the hubs. You'll need to grind away enough so the turning radius won't change as the suspension compresses, thus causing the truck to be inconsistent in the rough turns. And don't grind to much out, the wheels will only turn so much anyway.

Next I'll try some mods to the steering bell crank, so stay tuned. :)

Have fun and motor hard!!!

Well, it's time to hit the track tomorrow so I'm doing a quick inspection before I go... I hate to wrench on the trucks at the track!!!!
