Here's a Large mpg of my team mate Dave's black GT in a qualifier from the 2001 Trinity race in Vineland, NJ.

        Here's a Small edited wmv  of my Team mates green GT in couple different qualifiers (I think parts of the main too) the same day at the same track.


I'll add more recent video when I capture and compress them.


 Here's a Large mpg of my (Jamedup's) qualifier from the 2002 Trinity race in Vineland, NJ. You can actually see me burn up a new set of rear tires with-in the 5 minute race on the RC10-GT.

2003 Season

Here's a  badly recorded A-main race with the CEN ST2.


This is my 4wd debut and I made a few mistakes. My truck is the blue truck that starts out chasing the white modified HPI MT Racer in the beginning of this video. The photographer tried to keep the camera on my truck.

Next... Strap on your seat belt, let's go for a ride!!!

Here's a 104 meg in-car video of a 5 minute qualifier

I'll compress it more but this is how I got it from the guy that owns the camera, so I threw it up here for now.

I drove a little slower than usual so that it would look smooth but you might notice a few laps that I stepped it up to race speed. I tried my best to keep a truck in front of me to give ya some sense of the speeds we run. I believe in this qualifier my average speed was around 13.5 to 14 mph. Strap on your seat belt, let's go for a ride!!!